There has been quite the discussion brewing over on the Lend Academy Forum about a recent change from Lending Club. I think it’s important to point out this recent change as they affect some of the third party tools that I feature on the blog. In a nutshell, the change is that instead of tools being able to constantly get up-to-date data from the CSV file right at release time, it is now only updated once every minute. For those that don’t know what a CSV file is, it is simply a text file which includes organized data - in this case all of the available loans. You can read other forum member’s thoughts here. What does this mean for third party tools? In the case of P2P-Picks - a lot.
Penny Notes: A Detailed Look at an Innovative Strategy for Lending Club FOLIOfn Investors
Note: This is a guest post from New Jersey Guy, who currently only invests through FOLIOfn - the secondary market for Lending Club. He implements several FOLIOfn strategies, some of which he outlined in his last posts (4 part series) on Peer & Social Lending. This is a continuation of the post from Lend Academy about his penny note strategy. Below New Jersey Guy gives a little more detail into this particular strategy. Please keep in mind that this information is not investment advice, just the opinion and perspective of one investor. Thanks to New Jersey Guy for another fantastic guest post!
Lending Club Automated Investing vs. Third Party Automation
Last week, Lending Club announced that their form of automation formerly known as Lending Club Prime is now simply called “Automated Investing.” I’ll start by stating that I have never used Lending Club Prime or their version of Automated Investing. However, I think it is important to write about the major differences are between Lending Club’s Automated service and the third party tools that I have used. I encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments if I have missed or overlooked anything.
My P2P Lending Returns (13.87%) - Lending Club April 2014
It has been awhile since I’ve had a post outlining my returns with p2p lending and my plan is to be more consistent with these posts in the future. I want to preface this with the fact that my Lending Club notes are still not seasoned which means my returns below are not an accurate representation of what they will be. In fact, I have seen little progress in the average age of my notes as I continue to add funds to my account. [Read more...]
Lending Club Filter Strategies and One Benefit of a Smaller P2P Lending Account
I have been reading recently about other blogger’s strategies when it comes to Lending Club filters. I wanted to write about another technique that I utilize, which is creating filters that are restrictive based on how much you need to keep invested. Having a smaller account means that I don’t need to open up my criteria as much as others do. In the long run, (provided loan availability stays consistent) I should be getting even better returns. [Read more...]
Unsecured Peer to Peer Loans with Lending Club and Prosper (And what borrowers REALLY need to know)
Much of the content of this blog has been dedicated to investing in unsecured peer to peer loans with Lending Club and Prosper. However, there is much more to the industry than the potential for solid returns. Consolidation of credit is the main reason for people to apply for peer to peer loans. These are real people who can benefit immensely from receiving a lower rate than their credit cards charge - eventually breaking free from debt altogether. In this post, I’ll outline a few of the benefits of getting a loan through Prosper or Lending Club for borrowers. [Read more...]
Nickel Steamroller 2.0 Released!
Back in December, we featured our Q & A with Nickel Steamroller in anticipation for the new version of their site. If you haven’t already heard, Nickel Steamroller released version 2.0 a couple of weeks ago which includes a great amount of analytics for p2p lending that regular Nickel Steamroller users have been accustomed too. One big change you will notice is the addition of Prosper analytics. [Read more...]
Using FOLIOfn to Maximize P2P Lending Returns – Part 4
This is part 4 of a series of guest posts from New Jersey Guy who is an active member on the LendAcademy Forum. He is located in New Jersey as his name suggests so he is not currently able to invest in notes directly through Lending Club. However, he has decided to share his secrets on investing in FolioFN - the secondary market for Lending Club. This is the last post in the series to help investors break the mold for better returns with Lending Club. Be sure to check out the other posts if you missed them. [Read more...]
Using FOLIOfn to Maximize P2P Lending Returns – Part 3
This is part 3 of a series of guest posts from New Jersey Guy who is an active member on the LendAcademy Forum. He is located in New Jersey as his name suggests so he is not currently able to invest in notes directly through Lending Club. However, he has decided to share his secrets on investing in FolioFN - the secondary market for Lending Club. There will be 4 posts in this series that will outline 3 of his strategies that can help you break the mold for better returns with Lending Club. [Read more...]
Using FOLIOfn to Maximize P2P Lending Returns – Part 2
This is part 2 of a series of guest posts from New Jersey Guy who is an active member on the LendAcademy Forum. He is located in New Jersey as his name suggests so he is not currently able to invest in notes directly through Lending Club. However, he has decided to share his secrets on investing in FolioFN - the secondary market for Lending Club. There will be 4 posts in this series that will outline 3 of his strategies that can help you break the mold for better returns with Lending Club. [Read more...]